import numpy as np, pandas as pd
from matplotlib.pyplot import subplots
import statsmodels.api as sm
from ISLP import load_data
from ISLP.models import (summarize,
poly,as MS)
ModelSpec from statsmodels.stats.anova import anova_lm
7 Lab Chapter 7: Non-Linear Modeling
In this lab, we demonstrate some of the nonlinear models discussed in this chapter. We use the Wage
data as a running example, and show that many of the complex non-linear fitting procedures discussed can easily be implemented in .
As usual, we start with some of our standard imports.
We again collect the new imports needed for this lab. Many of these are developed specifically for the ISLP
from pygam import (s as s_gam,
as l_gam,
l as f_gam,
from ISLP.transforms import (BSpline,
NaturalSpline)from ISLP.models import bs, ns
from ISLP.pygam import (approx_lam,
degrees_of_freedom,as plot_gam,
plot as anova_gam) anova
7.1 Polynomial Regression and Step Functions
We start by demonstrating how Figure 7.1 can be reproduced. Let’s begin by loading the data.
= load_data('Wage')
Wage = Wage['wage']
y = Wage['age'] age
Throughout most of this lab, our response is Wage['wage']
, which we have stored as y
above. As in Section 3.6.6, we will use the poly()
function to create a model matrix that will fit a \(4\)th degree polynomial in age
= MS([poly('age', degree=4)]).fit(Wage)
poly_age = sm.OLS(y, poly_age.transform(Wage)).fit()
M summarize(M)
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | |
intercept | 111.7036 | 0.729 | 153.283 | 0.000 |
poly(age, degree=4)[0] | 447.0679 | 39.915 | 11.201 | 0.000 |
poly(age, degree=4)[1] | -478.3158 | 39.915 | -11.983 | 0.000 |
poly(age, degree=4)[2] | 125.5217 | 39.915 | 3.145 | 0.002 |
poly(age, degree=4)[3] | -77.9112 | 39.915 | -1.952 | 0.051 |
This polynomial is constructed using the function poly()
, which creates a special transformer Poly()
(using sklearn
terminology for feature transformations such as PCA()
seen in Section 6.5.3) which allows for easy evaluation of the polynomial at new data points. Here poly()
is referred to as a helper function, and sets up the transformation; Poly()
is the actual workhorse that computes the transformation. See also the discussion of transformations on page 127.
In the code above, the first line executes the fit()
method using the dataframe Wage
. This recomputes and stores as attributes any parameters needed by Poly()
on the training data, and these will be used on all subsequent evaluations of the transform()
method. For example, it is used on the second line, as well as in the plotting function developed below.
We now create a grid of values for age
at which we want predictions.
= np.linspace(age.min(),
age_grid max(),
= pd.DataFrame({'age': age_grid}) age_df
Finally, we wish to plot the data and add the fit from the fourth-degree polynomial. As we will make several similar plots below, we first write a function to create all the ingredients and produce the plot. Our function takes in a model specification (here a basis specified by a transform), as well as a grid of age
values. The function produces a fitted curve as well as 95% confidence bands. By using an argument for basis
we can produce and plot the results with several different transforms, such as the splines we will see shortly.
def plot_wage_fit(age_df,
= basis.transform(Wage)
X = basis.transform(age_df)
Xnew = sm.OLS(y, X).fit()
M = M.get_prediction(Xnew)
preds = preds.conf_int(alpha=0.05)
bands = subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax
alphafor val, ls in zip([preds.predicted_mean,
ax.plot(age_df.values, val, ls, linewidth=20)
ax.set_title(title, fontsize'Age', fontsize=20)
ax.set_xlabel('Wage', fontsize=20);
ax.set_ylabel(return ax
We include an argument alpha
to ax.scatter()
to add some transparency to the points. This provides a visual indication of density. Notice the use of the zip()
function in the for
loop above (see Section 2.3.8). We have three lines to plot, each with different colors and line types. Here zip()
conveniently bundles these together as iterators in the loop. {In Python
speak, an “iterator” is an object with a finite number of values, that can be iterated on, as in a loop.}
We now plot the fit of the fourth-degree polynomial using this function.
With polynomial regression we must decide on the degree of the polynomial to use. Sometimes we just wing it, and decide to use second or third degree polynomials, simply to obtain a nonlinear fit. But we can make such a decision in a more systematic way. One way to do this is through hypothesis tests, which we demonstrate here. We now fit a series of models ranging from linear (degree-one) to degree-five polynomials, and look to determine the simplest model that is sufficient to explain the relationship between wage
and age
. We use the anova_lm()
function, which performs a series of ANOVA tests. An or ANOVA tests the null hypothesis that a model \(\mathcal{M}_1\) is sufficient to explain the data against the alternative hypothesis that a more complex model \(\mathcal{M}_2\) is required. The determination is based on an F-test. To perform the test, the models \(\mathcal{M}_1\) and \(\mathcal{M}_2\) must be nested: the space spanned by the predictors in \(\mathcal{M}_1\) must be a subspace of the space spanned by the predictors in \(\mathcal{M}_2\). In this case, we fit five different polynomial models and sequentially compare the simpler model to the more complex model.
= [MS([poly('age', degree=d)])
models for d in range(1, 6)]
= [model.fit_transform(Wage) for model in models]
Xs *[sm.OLS(y, X_).fit()
anova_lm(for X_ in Xs])
df_resid | ssr | df_diff | ss_diff | F | Pr(>F) | |
0 | 2998.0 | 5.022216e+06 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | 2997.0 | 4.793430e+06 | 1.0 | 228786.010128 | 143.593107 | 2.363850e-32 |
2 | 2996.0 | 4.777674e+06 | 1.0 | 15755.693664 | 9.888756 | 1.679202e-03 |
3 | 2995.0 | 4.771604e+06 | 1.0 | 6070.152124 | 3.809813 | 5.104620e-02 |
4 | 2994.0 | 4.770322e+06 | 1.0 | 1282.563017 | 0.804976 | 3.696820e-01 |
Notice the *
in the anova_lm()
line above. This function takes a variable number of non-keyword arguments, in this case fitted models. When these models are provided as a list (as is done here), it must be prefixed by *
The p-value comparing the linear models[0]
to the quadratic models[1]
is essentially zero, indicating that a linear fit is not sufficient. {Indexing starting at zero is confusing for the polynomial degree example, since models[1]
is quadratic rather than linear!} Similarly the p-value comparing the quadratic models[1]
to the cubic models[2]
is very low (0.0017), so the quadratic fit is also insufficient. The p-value comparing the cubic and degree-four polynomials, models[2]
and models[3]
, is approximately 5%, while the degree-five polynomial models[4]
seems unnecessary because its p-value is 0.37. Hence, either a cubic or a quartic polynomial appear to provide a reasonable fit to the data, but lower- or higher-order models are not justified.
In this case, instead of using the anova()
function, we could have obtained these p-values more succinctly by exploiting the fact that poly()
creates orthogonal polynomials.
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | |
intercept | 111.7036 | 0.729 | 153.283 | 0.000 |
poly(age, degree=4)[0] | 447.0679 | 39.915 | 11.201 | 0.000 |
poly(age, degree=4)[1] | -478.3158 | 39.915 | -11.983 | 0.000 |
poly(age, degree=4)[2] | 125.5217 | 39.915 | 3.145 | 0.002 |
poly(age, degree=4)[3] | -77.9112 | 39.915 | -1.952 | 0.051 |
Notice that the p-values are the same, and in fact the square of the t-statistics are equal to the F-statistics from the anova_lm()
function; for example:
-11.983)**2 (
However, the ANOVA method works whether or not we used orthogonal polynomials, provided the models are nested. For example, we can use anova_lm()
to compare the following three models, which all have a linear term in education
and a polynomial in age
of different degrees:
= [MS(['education', poly('age', degree=d)])
models for d in range(1, 4)]
= [model.fit_transform(Wage)
XEs for model in models]
*[sm.OLS(y, X_).fit() for X_ in XEs]) anova_lm(
df_resid | ssr | df_diff | ss_diff | F | Pr(>F) | |
0 | 2997.0 | 3.902335e+06 | 0.0 | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | 2996.0 | 3.759472e+06 | 1.0 | 142862.701185 | 113.991883 | 3.838075e-26 |
2 | 2995.0 | 3.753546e+06 | 1.0 | 5926.207070 | 4.728593 | 2.974318e-02 |
As an alternative to using hypothesis tests and ANOVA, we could choose the polynomial degree using cross-validation, as discussed in Chapter 5.
Next we consider the task of predicting whether an individual earns more than $250,000 per year. We proceed much as before, except that first we create the appropriate response vector, and then apply the glm()
function using the binomial family in order to fit a polynomial logistic regression model.
= poly_age.transform(Wage)
X = Wage['high_earn'] = y > 250 # shorthand
high_earn = sm.GLM(y > 250,
B summarize(B)
coef | std err | z | P>|z| | |
intercept | -4.3012 | 0.345 | -12.457 | 0.000 |
poly(age, degree=4)[0] | 71.9642 | 26.133 | 2.754 | 0.006 |
poly(age, degree=4)[1] | -85.7729 | 35.929 | -2.387 | 0.017 |
poly(age, degree=4)[2] | 34.1626 | 19.697 | 1.734 | 0.083 |
poly(age, degree=4)[3] | -47.4008 | 24.105 | -1.966 | 0.049 |
Once again, we make predictions using the get_prediction()
= poly_age.transform(age_df)
newX = B.get_prediction(newX)
preds = preds.conf_int(alpha=0.05) bands
We now plot the estimated relationship.
= subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax = np.random.default_rng(0)
rng +
ax.scatter(age 0.2 * rng.uniform(size=y.shape[0]),
0.198, 0.002),
np.where(high_earn, ='gray',
markerfor val, ls in zip([preds.predicted_mean,
ax.plot(age_df.values, val, ls, linewidth'Degree-4 Polynomial', fontsize=20)
ax.set_title('Age', fontsize=20)
ax.set_ylim(['P(Wage > 250)', fontsize=20); ax.set_ylabel(
We have drawn the age
values corresponding to the observations with wage
values above 250 as gray marks on the top of the plot, and those with wage
values below 250 are shown as gray marks on the bottom of the plot. We added a small amount of noise to jitter the age
values a bit so that observations with the same age
value do not cover each other up. This type of plot is often called a rug plot.
In order to fit a step function, as discussed in Section 7.2, we first use the pd.qcut()
function to discretize age
based on quantiles. Then we use pd.get_dummies()
to create the columns of the model matrix for this categorical variable. Note that this function will include all columns for a given categorical, rather than the usual approach which drops one of the levels.
= pd.qcut(age, 4)
cut_age summarize(sm.OLS(y, pd.get_dummies(cut_age)).fit())
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | |
(17.999, 33.75] | 94.1584 | 1.478 | 63.692 | 0.0 |
(33.75, 42.0] | 116.6608 | 1.470 | 79.385 | 0.0 |
(42.0, 51.0] | 119.1887 | 1.416 | 84.147 | 0.0 |
(51.0, 80.0] | 116.5717 | 1.559 | 74.751 | 0.0 |
Here pd.qcut()
automatically picked the cutpoints based on the quantiles 25%, 50% and 75%, which results in four regions. We could also have specified our own quantiles directly instead of the argument 4
. For cuts not based on quantiles we would use the pd.cut()
function. The function pd.qcut()
(and pd.cut()
) returns an ordered categorical variable. The regression model then creates a set of dummy variables for use in the regression. Since age
is the only variable in the model, the value $94,158.40 is the average salary for those under 33.75 years of age, and the other coefficients are the average salary for those in the other age groups. We can produce predictions and plots just as we did in the case of the polynomial fit.
7.2 Splines
In order to fit regression splines, we use transforms from the ISLP
package. The actual spline evaluation functions are in the scipy.interpolate
package; we have simply wrapped them as transforms similar to Poly()
and PCA()
In Section 7.4, we saw that regression splines can be fit by constructing an appropriate matrix of basis functions. The BSpline()
function generates the entire matrix of basis functions for splines with the specified set of knots. By default, the B-splines produced are cubic. To change the degree, use the argument degree
= BSpline(internal_knots=[25,40,60], intercept=True).fit(age)
bs_ = bs_.transform(age)
bs_age bs_age.shape
(3000, 7)
This results in a seven-column matrix, which is what is expected for a cubic-spline basis with 3 interior knots. We can form this same matrix using the bs()
object, which facilitates adding this to a model-matrix builder (as in poly()
versus its workhorse Poly()
) described in Section 7.8.1.
We now fit a cubic spline model to the Wage
= MS([bs('age', internal_knots=[25,40,60])])
bs_age = bs_age.fit_transform(Wage)
Xbs = sm.OLS(y, Xbs).fit()
M summarize(M)
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | |
intercept | 60.4937 | 9.460 | 6.394 | 0.000 |
bs(age, internal_knots=[25, 40, 60])[0] | 3.9805 | 12.538 | 0.317 | 0.751 |
bs(age, internal_knots=[25, 40, 60])[1] | 44.6310 | 9.626 | 4.636 | 0.000 |
bs(age, internal_knots=[25, 40, 60])[2] | 62.8388 | 10.755 | 5.843 | 0.000 |
bs(age, internal_knots=[25, 40, 60])[3] | 55.9908 | 10.706 | 5.230 | 0.000 |
bs(age, internal_knots=[25, 40, 60])[4] | 50.6881 | 14.402 | 3.520 | 0.000 |
bs(age, internal_knots=[25, 40, 60])[5] | 16.6061 | 19.126 | 0.868 | 0.385 |
The column names are a little cumbersome, and have caused us to truncate the printed summary. They can be set on construction using the name
argument as follows.
= MS([bs('age',
bs_age =[25,40,60],
name= bs_age.fit_transform(Wage)
Xbs = sm.OLS(y, Xbs).fit()
M summarize(M)
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | |
intercept | 60.4937 | 9.460 | 6.394 | 0.000 |
bs(age)[0] | 3.9805 | 12.538 | 0.317 | 0.751 |
bs(age)[1] | 44.6310 | 9.626 | 4.636 | 0.000 |
bs(age)[2] | 62.8388 | 10.755 | 5.843 | 0.000 |
bs(age)[3] | 55.9908 | 10.706 | 5.230 | 0.000 |
bs(age)[4] | 50.6881 | 14.402 | 3.520 | 0.000 |
bs(age)[5] | 16.6061 | 19.126 | 0.868 | 0.385 |
Notice that there are 6 spline coefficients rather than 7. This is because, by default, bs()
assumes intercept=False
, since we typically have an overall intercept in the model. So it generates the spline basis with the given knots, and then discards one of the basis functions to account for the intercept.
We could also use the df
(degrees of freedom) option to specify the complexity of the spline. We see above that with 3 knots, the spline basis has 6 columns or degrees of freedom. When we specify df=6
rather than the actual knots, bs()
will produce a spline with 3 knots chosen at uniform quantiles of the training data. We can see these chosen knots most easily using Bspline()
=6).fit(age).internal_knots_ BSpline(df
array([33.75, 42. , 51. ])
When asking for six degrees of freedom, the transform chooses knots at ages 33.75, 42.0, and 51.0, which correspond to the 25th, 50th, and 75th percentiles of age
When using B-splines we need not limit ourselves to cubic polynomials (i.e. degree=3
). For instance, using degree=0
results in piecewise constant functions, as in our example with pd.qcut()
= MS([bs('age',
bs_age0 =3,
degree= bs_age0.transform(Wage)
Xbs0 summarize(sm.OLS(y, Xbs0).fit())
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | |
intercept | 94.1584 | 1.478 | 63.687 | 0.0 |
bs(age, df=3, degree=0)[0] | 22.3490 | 2.152 | 10.388 | 0.0 |
bs(age, df=3, degree=0)[1] | 24.8076 | 2.044 | 12.137 | 0.0 |
bs(age, df=3, degree=0)[2] | 22.7814 | 2.087 | 10.917 | 0.0 |
This fit should be compared with cell [15] where we use qcut()
to create four bins by cutting at the 25%, 50% and 75% quantiles of age
. Since we specified df=3
for degree-zero splines here, there will also be knots at the same three quantiles. Although the coefficients appear different, we see that this is a result of the different coding. For example, the first coefficient is identical in both cases, and is the mean response in the first bin. For the second coefficient, we have \(94.158 + 22.349 = 116.507 \approx 116.611\), the latter being the mean in the second bin in cell [15]. Here the intercept is coded by a column of ones, so the second, third and fourth coefficients are increments for those bins. Why is the sum not exactly the same? It turns out that the qcut()
uses \(\leq\), while bs()
uses \(<\) when deciding bin membership.
In order to fit a natural spline, we use the NaturalSpline()
transform with the corresponding helper ns()
. Here we fit a natural spline with five degrees of freedom (excluding the intercept) and plot the results.
= MS([ns('age', df=5)]).fit(Wage)
ns_age = sm.OLS(y, ns_age.transform(Wage)).fit()
M_ns summarize(M_ns)
coef | std err | t | P>|t| | |
intercept | 60.4752 | 4.708 | 12.844 | 0.000 |
ns(age, df=5)[0] | 61.5267 | 4.709 | 13.065 | 0.000 |
ns(age, df=5)[1] | 55.6912 | 5.717 | 9.741 | 0.000 |
ns(age, df=5)[2] | 46.8184 | 4.948 | 9.463 | 0.000 |
ns(age, df=5)[3] | 83.2036 | 11.918 | 6.982 | 0.000 |
ns(age, df=5)[4] | 6.8770 | 9.484 | 0.725 | 0.468 |
We now plot the natural spline using our plotting function.
7.3 Smoothing Splines and GAMs
A smoothing spline is a special case of a GAM with squared-error loss and a single feature. To fit GAMs in Python
we will use the pygam
package which can be installed via pip install pygam
. The estimator LinearGAM()
uses squared-error loss. The GAM is specified by associating each column of a model matrix with a particular smoothing operation: s
for smoothing spline; l
for linear, and f
for factor or categorical variables. The argument 0
passed to s
below indicates that this smoother will apply to the first column of a feature matrix. Below, we pass it a matrix with a single column: X_age
. The argument lam
is the penalty parameter \(\lambda\) as discussed in Section 7.5.2.
= np.asarray(age).reshape((-1,1))
X_age = LinearGAM(s_gam(0, lam=0.6))
gam, y)
LinearGAM(callbacks=[Deviance(), Diffs()], fit_intercept=True,
max_iter=100, scale=None, terms=s(0) + intercept, tol=0.0001,
The pygam
library generally expects a matrix of features so we reshape age
to be a matrix (a two-dimensional array) instead of a vector (i.e. a one-dimensional array). The -1
in the call to the reshape()
method tells numpy
to impute the size of that dimension based on the remaining entries of the shape tuple.
Let’s investigate how the fit changes with the smoothing parameter lam
. The function np.logspace()
is similar to np.linspace()
but spaces points evenly on the log-scale. Below we vary lam
from \(10^{-2}\) to \(10^6\).
= subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax ='gray', alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(age, y, facecolorfor lam in np.logspace(-2, 6, 5):
= LinearGAM(s_gam(0, lam=lam)).fit(X_age, y)
linewidth'Age', fontsize=20)
ax.set_xlabel('Wage', fontsize=20);
ax.set_ylabel(='$\lambda$'); ax.legend(title
The pygam
package can perform a search for an optimal smoothing parameter.
= gam.gridsearch(X_age, y)
gam_opt.predict(age_grid),='Grid search',
ax.legend() fig
0% (0 of 11) | | Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 ETA: --:--:-- 18% (2 of 11) |#### | Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 ETA: 00:00:00 36% (4 of 11) |######### | Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 ETA: 0:00:00 54% (6 of 11) |############# | Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 ETA: 0:00:00 72% (8 of 11) |################## | Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 ETA: 0:00:00 90% (10 of 11) |##################### | Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 ETA: 0:00:00100% (11 of 11) |########################| Elapsed Time: 0:00:00 Time: 0:00:00
Alternatively, we can fix the degrees of freedom of the smoothing spline using a function included in the ISLP.pygam
package. Below we find a value of \(\lambda\) that gives us roughly four degrees of freedom. We note here that these degrees of freedom include the unpenalized intercept and linear term of the smoothing spline, hence there are at least two degrees of freedom.
= gam.terms[0]
age_term = approx_lam(X_age, age_term, 4)
lam_4 = lam_4
age_term.lam degrees_of_freedom(X_age, age_term)
Let’s vary the degrees of freedom in a similar plot to above. We choose the degrees of freedom as the desired degrees of freedom plus one to account for the fact that these smoothing splines always have an intercept term. Hence, a value of one for df
is just a linear fit.
= subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax
alphafor df in [1,3,4,8,15]:
= approx_lam(X_age, age_term, df+1)
lam = lam
age_term.lam, y)
linewidth'Age', fontsize=20)
ax.set_xlabel('Wage', fontsize=20);
ax.set_ylabel(='Degrees of freedom'); ax.legend(title
7.3.1 Additive Models with Several Terms
The strength of generalized additive models lies in their ability to fit multivariate regression models with more flexibility than linear models. We demonstrate two approaches: the first in a more manual fashion using natural splines and piecewise constant functions, and the second using the pygam
package and smoothing splines.
We now fit a GAM by hand to predict wage
using natural spline functions of year
and age
, treating education
as a qualitative predictor, as in (7.16). Since this is just a big linear regression model using an appropriate choice of basis functions, we can simply do this using the sm.OLS()
We will build the model matrix in a more manual fashion here, since we wish to access the pieces separately when constructing partial dependence plots.
= NaturalSpline(df=4).fit(age)
ns_age = NaturalSpline(df=5).fit(Wage['year'])
ns_year = [ns_age.transform(age),
Xs 'year']),
pd.get_dummies(Wage[= np.hstack(Xs)
X_bh = sm.OLS(y, X_bh).fit() gam_bh
Here the function NaturalSpline()
is the workhorse supporting the ns()
helper function. We chose to use all columns of the indicator matrix for the categorical variable education
, making an intercept redundant. Finally, we stacked the three component matrices horizontally to form the model matrix X_bh
We now show how to construct partial dependence plots for each of the terms in our rudimentary GAM. We can do this by hand, given grids for age
and year
. We simply predict with new \(X\) matrices, fixing all but one of the features at a time.
= np.linspace(age.min(),
age_grid max(),
= X_bh.copy()[:100]
X_age_bh = X_bh[:].mean(0)[None,:]
X_age_bh[:] 4] = ns_age.transform(age_grid)
X_age_bh[:,:= gam_bh.get_prediction(X_age_bh)
preds = preds.conf_int(alpha=0.05)
bounds_age = preds.predicted_mean
partial_age = partial_age.mean()
center -= center
partial_age -= center
bounds_age = subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax 'b', linewidth=3)
ax.plot(age_grid, partial_age, 0], 'r--', linewidth=3)
ax.plot(age_grid, bounds_age[:,1], 'r--', linewidth=3)
ax.plot(age_grid, bounds_age[:,'Age')
ax.set_xlabel('Effect on wage')
ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence of age on wage', fontsize=20); ax.set_title(
Let’s explain in some detail what we did above. The idea is to create a new prediction matrix, where all but the columns belonging to age
are constant (and set to their training-data means). The four columns for age
are filled in with the natural spline basis evaluated at the 100 values in age_grid
- We made a grid of length 100 in
, and created a matrixX_age_bh
with 100 rows and the same number of columns asX_bh
. - We replaced every row of this matrix with the column means of the original.
- We then replace just the first four columns representing
with the natural spline basis computed at the values inage_grid
The remaining steps should by now be familiar.
We also look at the effect of year
on wage
; the process is the same.
= np.linspace(2003, 2009, 100)
year_grid = np.linspace(Wage['year'].min(),
year_grid 'year'].max(),
= X_bh.copy()[:100]
X_year_bh = X_bh[:].mean(0)[None,:]
X_year_bh[:] 4:9] = ns_year.transform(year_grid)
X_year_bh[:,= gam_bh.get_prediction(X_year_bh)
preds = preds.conf_int(alpha=0.05)
bounds_year = preds.predicted_mean
partial_year = partial_year.mean()
center -= center
partial_year -= center
bounds_year = subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax 'b', linewidth=3)
ax.plot(year_grid, partial_year, 0], 'r--', linewidth=3)
ax.plot(year_grid, bounds_year[:,1], 'r--', linewidth=3)
ax.plot(year_grid, bounds_year[:,'Year')
ax.set_xlabel('Effect on wage')
ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence of year on wage', fontsize=20); ax.set_title(
We now fit the model (7.16) using smoothing splines rather than natural splines. All of the terms in (7.16) are fit simultaneously, taking each other into account to explain the response. The pygam
package only works with matrices, so we must convert the categorical series education
to its array representation, which can be found with the
attribute of education
. As year
only has 7 unique values, we use only seven basis functions for it.
= LinearGAM(s_gam(0) +
gam_full 1, n_splines=7) +
s_gam(2, lam=0))
f_gam(= np.column_stack([age,
Xgam 'year'],
Wage[=, y) gam_full
The two s_gam()
terms result in smoothing spline fits, and use a default value for \(\lambda\) (lam=0.6
), which is somewhat arbitrary. For the categorical term education
, specified using a f_gam()
term, we specify lam=0
to avoid any shrinkage. We produce the partial dependence plot in age
to see the effect of these choices.
The values for the plot are generated by the pygam
package. We provide a plot_gam()
function for partial-dependence plots in ISLP.pygam
, which makes this job easier than in our last example with natural splines.
= subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax 0, ax=ax)
plot_gam(gam_full, 'Age')
ax.set_xlabel('Effect on wage')
ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence of age on wage - default lam=0.6', fontsize=20); ax.set_title(
We see that the function is somewhat wiggly. It is more natural to specify the df
than a value for lam
. We refit a GAM using four degrees of freedom each for age
and year
. Recall that the addition of one below takes into account the intercept of the smoothing spline.
= gam_full.terms[0]
age_term = approx_lam(Xgam, age_term, df=4+1)
age_term.lam = gam_full.terms[1]
year_term = approx_lam(Xgam, year_term, df=4+1)
year_term.lam =, y) gam_full
Note that updating age_term.lam
above updates it in gam_full.terms[0]
as well! Likewise for year_term.lam
Repeating the plot for age
, we see that it is much smoother. We also produce the plot for year
= subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax
ax.set_xlabel('Effect on wage')
ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence of year on wage', fontsize=20) ax.set_title(
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Partial dependence of year on wage')
Finally we plot education
, which is categorical. The partial dependence plot is different, and more suitable for the set of fitted constants for each level of this variable.
7.3.2 ANOVA Tests for Additive Models
In all of our models, the function of year
looks rather linear. We can perform a series of ANOVA tests in order to determine which of these three models is best: a GAM that excludes year
(\(\mathcal{M}_1\)), a GAM that uses a linear function of year
(\(\mathcal{M}_2\)), or a GAM that uses a spline function of year
= LinearGAM(age_term + f_gam(2, lam=0))
gam_0, y)= LinearGAM(age_term +
gam_linear 1, lam=0) +
l_gam(2, lam=0))
f_gam(, y)
LinearGAM(callbacks=[Deviance(), Diffs()], fit_intercept=True,
max_iter=100, scale=None, terms=s(0) + l(1) + f(2) + intercept,
tol=0.0001, verbose=False)
Notice our use of age_term
in the expressions above. We do this because earlier we set the value for lam
in this term to achieve four degrees of freedom.
To directly assess the effect of year
we run an ANOVA on the three models fit above.
anova_gam(gam_0, gam_linear, gam_full)
deviance | df | deviance_diff | df_diff | F | pvalue | |
0 | 3.714362e+06 | 2991.004005 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | 3.696746e+06 | 2990.005190 | 17616.542840 | 0.998815 | 14.265131 | 0.002314 |
2 | 3.693143e+06 | 2987.007254 | 3602.893655 | 2.997936 | 0.972007 | 0.435579 |
We find that there is compelling evidence that a GAM with a linear function in year
is better than a GAM that does not include year
at all (\(p\)-value= 0.002). However, there is no evidence that a non-linear function of year
is needed (\(p\)-value=0.435). In other words, based on the results of this ANOVA, \(\mathcal{M}_2\) is preferred.
We can repeat the same process for age
as well. We see there is very clear evidence that a non-linear term is required for age
= LinearGAM(year_term +
gam_0 2, lam=0))
f_gam(= LinearGAM(l_gam(0, lam=0) +
gam_linear +
year_term 2, lam=0))
f_gam(, y), y) anova_gam(gam_0, gam_linear, gam_full)
deviance | df | deviance_diff | df_diff | F | pvalue | |
0 | 3.975443e+06 | 2991.000589 | NaN | NaN | NaN | NaN |
1 | 3.850247e+06 | 2990.000704 | 125196.137317 | 0.999884 | 101.270106 | 1.681120e-07 |
2 | 3.693143e+06 | 2987.007254 | 157103.978302 | 2.993450 | 42.447812 | 5.669414e-07 |
There is a (verbose) summary()
method for the GAM fit.
=============================================== ==========================================================
Distribution: NormalDist Effective DoF: 12.9927
Link Function: IdentityLink Log Likelihood: -24117.907
Number of Samples: 3000 AIC: 48263.7995
AICc: 48263.94
GCV: 1246.1129
Scale: 1236.4024
Pseudo R-Squared: 0.2928
Feature Function Lambda Rank EDoF P > x Sig. Code
================================= ==================== ============ ============ ============ ============
s(0) [465.0491] 20 5.1 1.11e-16 ***
s(1) [2.1564] 7 4.0 8.10e-03 **
f(2) [0] 5 4.0 1.11e-16 ***
intercept 1 0.0 1.11e-16 ***
Significance codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
WARNING: Fitting splines and a linear function to a feature introduces a model identifiability problem
which can cause p-values to appear significant when they are not.
WARNING: p-values calculated in this manner behave correctly for un-penalized models or models with
known smoothing parameters, but when smoothing parameters have been estimated, the p-values
are typically lower than they should be, meaning that the tests reject the null too readily.
/tmp/ipykernel_2794038/ UserWarning: KNOWN BUG: p-values computed in this summary are likely much smaller than they should be.
Please do not make inferences based on these values!
Collaborate on a solution, and stay up to date at:
We can make predictions from gam
objects, just like from lm
objects, using the predict()
method for the class gam
. Here we make predictions on the training set.
= gam_full.predict(Xgam) Yhat
In order to fit a logistic regression GAM, we use LogisticGAM()
from pygam
= LogisticGAM(age_term +
gam_logit 1, lam=0) +
l_gam(2, lam=0))
f_gam(, high_earn)
LogisticGAM(callbacks=[Deviance(), Diffs(), Accuracy()],
fit_intercept=True, max_iter=100,
terms=s(0) + l(1) + f(2) + intercept, tol=0.0001, verbose=False)
= subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
fig, ax = plot_gam(gam_logit, 2)
ax 'Education')
ax.set_xlabel('Effect on wage')
ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence of wage on education',
fontsize'education'].cat.categories, fontsize=8); ax.set_xticklabels(Wage[
The model seems to be very flat, with especially high error bars for the first category. Let’s look at the data a bit more closely.
'high_earn'], Wage['education']) pd.crosstab(Wage[
education | 1. < HS Grad | 2. HS Grad | 3. Some College | 4. College Grad | 5. Advanced Degree |
high_earn | |||||
False | 268 | 966 | 643 | 663 | 381 |
True | 0 | 5 | 7 | 22 | 45 |
We see that there are no high earners in the first category of education, meaning that the model will have a hard time fitting. We will fit a logistic regression GAM excluding all observations falling into this category. This provides more sensible results.
To do so, we could subset the model matrix, though this will not remove the column from Xgam
. While we can deduce which column corresponds to this feature, for reproducibility’s sake we reform the model matrix on this smaller subset.
= Wage['education'] == '1. < HS Grad'
only_hs = Wage.loc[~only_hs]
Wage_ = np.column_stack([Wage_['age'],
Xgam_ 'year'],
Wage_[= Wage_['high_earn'] high_earn_
In the second-to-last line above, we subtract one from the codes of the category, due to a bug in pygam
. It just relabels the education values and hence has no effect on the fit.
We now fit the model.
= LogisticGAM(age_term +
gam_logit_ +
year_term 2, lam=0))
f_gam(, high_earn_)
LogisticGAM(callbacks=[Deviance(), Diffs(), Accuracy()],
fit_intercept=True, max_iter=100,
terms=s(0) + s(1) + f(2) + intercept, tol=0.0001, verbose=False)
Let’s look at the effect of education
, year
and age
on high earner status now that we’ve removed those observations.
= subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
fig, ax = plot_gam(gam_logit_, 2)
ax 'Education')
ax.set_xlabel('Effect on wage')
ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence of high earner status on education', fontsize=20);
ax.set_xticklabels(Wage[=8); fontsize
= subplots(figsize=(8, 8))
fig, ax = plot_gam(gam_logit_, 1)
ax 'Year')
ax.set_xlabel('Effect on wage')
ax.set_ylabel('Partial dependence of high earner status on year',
ax.set_title(=20); fontsize
7.4 Local Regression
We illustrate the use of local regression using the lowess()
function from sm.nonparametric
. Some implementations of GAMs allow terms to be local regression operators; this is not the case in pygam
Here we fit local linear regression models using spans of 0.2 and 0.5; that is, each neighborhood consists of 20% or 50% of the observations. As expected, using a span of 0.5 is smoother than 0.2.
= sm.nonparametric.lowess
lowess = subplots(figsize=(8,8))
fig, ax ='gray', alpha=0.5)
ax.scatter(age, y, facecolorfor span in [0.2, 0.5]:
= lowess(y,
linewidth'Age', fontsize=20)
ax.set_xlabel('Wage', fontsize=20);
ax.set_ylabel(='span', fontsize=15); ax.legend(title